Sharad Malhotra has returned to the small screen as Cheel in Naagin 5 which also stars Surbhi Chandna and Mohit Sehgal. The show has already created a lot of buzz and now in an exclusive chat with Pinkvilla, Sharad opened up on Naagin 5, wife Ripci Bhatia’s reaction to his chemistry with Surbhi and more. He reiterated that his wife felt their chemistry looked effortless on-screen and had lot of spark.
Opening up on his interaction with Surbhi, Sharad said, “I have never worked with Surbhi, never met her before this. Maybe we must have bumped into each there during any event but we met for the first time on sets and introduced ourselves very formally. The first scene I did with her was about 4-5 pages. We were tensed because the comfort zone isn’t there but after that first scene, we cracked. After that, we were very comfortable and dropped our guards down. There is this scene we shot at the Dhobi Ghat, it was so filmy and was so beautifully shot. My Instagram crashed after that.”
On his wife’s reaction, “She said that this doesn’t look like my husband,” he laughed and shared, “and then she saw the dupatta wala scene which I personally love to. She told me that it looks effortless, it looks like both of you guys are not making any effort. As viewers, people are loving it. I am looking forward to more scenes with her.”
Credit: Pinkvilla