The popular TV series, Anupamaa, featuring Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna, is currently topping the TRP charts. Its intriguing storyline and unexpected plot twists make it a compelling watch. Recent episodes have seen Anupamaa and Anuj part ways due to a misunderstanding with Choti Anu. However, they have found their way back to each other in America after a gap of 5 years. Anuj is now engaged to Shruti, and Choti Anu, also known as Aadhya, is looking forward to their wedding.
Aadhya holds a grudge against Anupamaa and is resistant to her re-entry into their lives. Despite this, Anuj continues to harbor deep feelings for Anu, unable to let go of their past. The preparations for Anuj and Shruti’s wedding are underway, with Shruti attempting to make Anupamaa feel out of place and assert her claim on Anuj. Meanwhile, Anupamaa is concentrating on her future, participating in a prestigious superstar chef competition.
Aadhya will once again misconstrue that Anupamaa prioritized saving Pari, leading to Shruti’s predicament. Anu will be deeply disturbed by Shruti’s situation, feeling a sense of guilt as she was the intended target, but Shruti ended up being hurt instead. Anupamaa will share her feelings with Anuj, and they will be informed by the doctors about the slim chances of Shruti’s survival.
Aadhya will blame Anu for the unfortunate incident, leaving Anu shocked and resolved to win back her daughter’s trust. In a twist, Shruti might come to realize the disruption she caused in Anuj and Anu’s life. She will make it her mission to bring Anuj, Anu, and Aadhya together before her time runs out.