
Adnan Khan About Doing Bold Scenes | Katha Ankahee

Adnan Khan, the versatile actor known for his performance in the series ‘Katha Ankahee,’ recently shared his perspective on doing bold scenes. In a candid interview, Adnan opened up about his evolving mindset and the responsibility he feels towards his audience.

Three years ago, Khan admitted he had a carefree attitude towards bold scenes, stating, “I don’t care, I’ll do it.”
However, as his career progressed, he began to recognize the influence he held as an actor and the importance of considering the impact of his work.

He says, “I’ve been struggling with this lately. But now, I’m starting to realize that there are tons of people watching, and I have a responsibility to think about what message I want to put out there, you know? So, I take a moment to consider the story, whether it’s necessary, and how it fits into the film or project. There are a bunch of questions I ask myself before diving in”

He continues, “As an actor, we are always under scrutiny. People who look up to us are so emotionally invested in us that sometimes they are affected by our choices and decisions. But on a broader picture, I also as an actor, try to gauge the requisition of the same in the story. I ask myself, ‘Is it necessary?’ and ‘Is it going to take the story ahead?’ And then I come to a decision.”

Adnan emphasized the need to think beyond mere shock value and to focus on the story and its contribution to the overall project. He emphasized that bold scenes should serve a purpose and not be gratuitous. According to the actor, it’s about pushing boundaries while staying true to the narrative and delivering a meaningful message.
While he continues to shine as Viaan on screen, Adnan who’s also inclined towards writing and direction, is also working in that space, and you never know a new announcement might be on the cards, Stay tuned.

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