Over the last few months, rumours about Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 actor Parth Samthaan’s big Bollywood debut had been all over the Internet. It was during an interview that Parth had revealed that he had signed a Hindi film, and since then, his fans have eagerly been waiting for him to announce his Bollywood debut film. Rumours were rife that Parth Samthaan would be romancing Alia Bhatt in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Gangubai Kathiawadi. However, turns out that was not true. Now, if reports are to be believed, Parth is in talks with the makers of Piharwa for the lead role opposite Alia.
According to a report in the Times Of India, there are talks that Parth Samthaan might be featured opposite Alia Bhatt in Resul Pookutty’s film Piharwa. A source informed the tabloid that Parth is being considered for the lead role, and if things go as planned, he will be roped in to play the male lead. While Alia has been finalized as the female lead, the makers are still looking for the male lead, and are considering Parth for the role.
“Talks are on between the makers and Parth but it is too early to comment if Parth has been finalised for the film. Yes, as of now makers are considering him for the lead role and if all goes as planned, he will bag the film. We all will have to wait for an official announcement, though. While Alia has been finalised as the female lead, the hunt for the male lead is still on,” the source informed.
The film Piharwa is based on the life story of Baba Harbhajan Singh who was martyred during the Sino- Indian war.