Shaheer Sheikh’s Woh Toh Hai Albela will end on June 14. The actor is now looking forward to spending quality time with his daughter Anaya and wife Ruchikaa Kapoor. Shaheer said, “With God’s grace, I have been working constantly in TV shows for the last 12 years. It has been a great journey, but now I want to take a break for a short while and spend time with my family.
Even when Anaya was born, I was busy doingKuch Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi – Nayi Kahani and then I moved on to doing another show produced by Rajan Shahi. So, it has been a hectic run.”
The actor had recently shared a glimpse of his daughter, when he took her on a vacation to Disneyland, Tokyo. He said, “Those vacations are short and a few days I get with my daughter and family. Ruchikaa is also working but her work timings are much more flexible and so she is the one spending more time at home. But, its time now for me to also share this beautiful phase and enjoy Anaya’s growing up years.”
On the professional front, Shaheer shared how he would always want to do TV. “I may want to do a film or a web show, but I am happy to continue with TV. I don’t think the medium matters so much when you get a good role to play. I have also directed a few episodes of Woh Toh Hai Albelaa and if things work out, I would like to direct a project, too,” he said.